Tag Archives: Jesus
James 1:1-4 Refining faith God’s way.
Zach (my son-in-law) was telling me the other day that the first couple of weeks at the Gym in the new year are particularly busy but that quickly trails off as people begin to realize the perseverance it takes to retain never mind grow healthy muscle tone. Those muscles don’t happen over night. Sometimes people […]
Continue readingExodus 14:10-17 Like learning lessons the hard way?!
To see all of today’s study questions, click here. How many of you like learning lessons the hard way? Have you ever noticed that you learn some lessons much harder than others? I was out flying my quad-copter-camera near Vaseux Lake this spring and had just taken off to do a sweep over a rock […]
Continue readingMark 1:40-45 The Least of These?
To see all of today’s study questions, click here. https://youtu.be/HSab0OIkFmU That passage in Matthew has always caused me great concern. I’ve wrestled with it for years now. Especially every time I walk by a street person or drunk out begging or get accosted by the guy who stands at the corner of Channel Parkway and […]
Continue readingMark 1:21-28 You Can’t Muzzle The Holy One of God!
Do you like dogs or cats? It’s pretty safe to say our household is more inclined to dogs than cats. Though I’ve had both in my lifetime so personally I have no bias against either so long as they are well behaved that is. Well maybe I have a little bias. It seems that there […]
Continue readingMatthew 17:1-9 Context In HIStory is HIS Glory
To see all of today’s study questions, click here. One of the passages in HIStory that is often told around Lent is found in Matthew 17:1-9. The story of that amazing day when three disciples were treated to a mountaintop experience that stuck with them long after Jesus Ascended to heaven. So if you have […]
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