Writings and sermons of Rev. Blake Wagner
Mark 1:21-28 You Can’t Muzzle The Holy One of God!
Do you like dogs or cats? It’s pretty safe to say our household is more inclined to dogs than cats. Though I’ve had both in my lifetime so personally I have no bias against either so long as they are well behaved that is. Well maybe I have a little bias. It seems that there […]
Continue reading→Exodus 3:1-12 A burning desire to leave a legacy?
I often drive by the Hospital as I go back and forth from home to work. And for the last couple of years now they have had this big digital sign facing Government and Carmi. The sign flashes several messages but the predominant theme is leave your legacy, support the Hospital Foundation. Sometimes it congratulates […]
Continue reading→Matthew 28:16-20 All the Authority you need to Go!
https://youtu.be/IMtPUgEXdWY This week Jimmy shared with us a message from Matthew 28:16-20 Read Matthew 28:16-20 in as many versions as you have available. 1. We call this passage (Matthew 28:16-20) the Great Commission, why? 2. Where does this encounter with Jesus take place? 3. Since it is neither the Risen Lord’s first encounter nor final […]
Continue reading→Genesis 35:1-5 Keeping Covenant? God Waits!
To see all of today’s study questions, click here. https://youtu.be/lQZ8rGbSsrA Thomas Fuller a British Minister wrote, “A man apt to promise is apt to forget”. Booker T. Washington describes meeting an ex-slave from Virginia in his book, ‘Up From Slavery’: there Brooker writes, “I found that this man had made a contract with his master, […]
Continue reading→Matthew 17:1-9 Context In HIStory is HIS Glory
To see all of today’s study questions, click here. One of the passages in HIStory that is often told around Lent is found in Matthew 17:1-9. The story of that amazing day when three disciples were treated to a mountaintop experience that stuck with them long after Jesus Ascended to heaven. So if you have […]
Continue reading→Week 7 – Genesis 28:12-22 Surely the LORD is in this place!
What is love? Is it a noun, verb or adjective? Is it a feeling, thoughts or a person? My definition of Love, being it’s Valentine’s day and all, is a simple one. God. I’ll mention it again in case you missed that, God. The Bible says, “God is love” (1 Jn. 4:8). So any definition […]
Continue reading→Week 6 – Matthew 14:22-33 Get into the Boat!
We were privileged to have Missionaries John & Marlene Baerg come to Grace and share a bit of their journey of faith. Some might call it amazing coincidences other luck but as I set up HIStory- 52 weekly biblical challenge and chose which story would fall on which weekend this weeks story found in […]
Continue reading→Week 5 – Genesis 12:10-20 Grandfathered Mission of Grace
I don’t know if you have noticed or not but I’m not picking out all the usual stories from HIStory as we progress in this 52 Week Challenge. In fact I’ve already jumped over several prominent passages that we preacher types like to focus on in favour of some stories that we don’t hear much […]
Continue reading→Week 4 – Matthew 8:5-13 Ultimate Authority both to Heal or to send to Hell
Let’s begin with reading HIStory this morning. Matthew 8:5-13 To see all of today’s study questions, click here. When we are telling someone HIStory we do well to study and understand what it is we are talking about. And in the internet age we really don’t have an excuse for not knowing. Other than if […]
Continue reading→Week 3 – Genesis 4:1-16 Cain & Abel and WHO?
To see all of today’s study questions, click here. In the beginning God created the heavens and earth and everything in them. Birds and fish and animals and then it was time to create His masterpiece. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female […]
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